Dress Shirts

Dress Shirts

Dry cleaning dress shirts requires a special touch. Making sure that the shirt is clean, neatly pressed, and crisp is an essential part of the dry cleaning process for dress shirts. 

White Star uses Sanitone’s exclusive Platinum® Shirt & Laundry Process, which guarantees the whitest whites and brightest colors with clean, crisp collars and cuffs to keep your dress shirt looking professional all day long. This process is specifically formulated to work at lower water temperatures through the use of 14 high tech enzymes, eliminating the need for harsh bleaches and abrasive alkalis that attack clothing fibers. This process reduces the potential for shrinkage, graying, and even fraying.

When you need a dress shirt dry cleaner, you need someone who will take excellent care of your shirts and keep them looking fresh and new for as long as possible. White Star not only cleans shirts, but provides shirt ironing service, starching, folding, or hanging. No matter how you want your shirt cleaned or ironed, White Star can handle it. Additionally, as a routine part of their service, White Star guarantees that you will never get a shirt back with missing buttons. All loose buttons are reattached or replaced each and every time a shirt is brought to White Star.

For the best dress shirt dry cleaning, call White Star. You can drop your shirts off yourself or arrange for the free pickup and delivery service to get them from you. The team at White Star is ready and anxious to help you have the cleanest and neatest looking dress shirts in your office!
chattanooga dry cleaners
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